
researcher, teacher and a curious person...


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PhD Thesis

A. Kallergi. Connecting the Dots: Playful Interaction with Scientific Image Data in Repositories. Department of Imaging and Bioinformatics, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), Faculty of Science, Leiden University, 2012-12-18. [www]

Chapters in edited books

A. Kallergi. CRISPR, The Ultimate Anthropocene Technology?. In: M. de Meyer, T. Joye, B. Strubbe, editors, Manmade, pages 173-175. Hannibal Publishing, 2016.

A. Kallergi and F. J. Verbeek. Playful interfaces for scientific image data: A case for storytelling. In K. Blashki and P. Isaías, editors, Emerging research and trends in interactivity and the human-computer interface, pages 471-489. IGI Global. 2014.

A. Kallergi, Y. Bei, P. Kok, J. Dijkstra, J. P. Abrahams, and F. J. Verbeek. Cyttron: A virtualized microscope supporting image integration and knowledge discovery. In C.M.P. Backendorf, M.H.M. Noteborn, and M. Tavassoli, editors, Proteins killing tumour cells, Cell Death and Disease Series, pages 291–315. ResearchSignPost, 2009.

Full papers in peer reviewed conferences

W. van Eck and A. Kallergi. Trees as Time Capsules: Extending Airborne Museum Hartenstein to the Forest. In Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Electronic Art, ISEA2013, 2013. [www]

A. Kallergi and F. J. Verbeek. Storytelling as playful exploration of biological image data: Reviewing a candidate interaction paradigm. In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2012, pages 35-42, 2012. [Outstanding paper award] [pdf]

A. Kallergi and F. J. Verbeek. The games Flickrites play: An investigation of Flickr-based gaming activity with special focus on opportunities for exploratory interaction. In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Game and Entertainment Technologies 2011, pages 35-42, 2011. [pdf]

Short papers in peer reviewed conferences

A. Kallergi and F. J. Verbeek. Onto-Frogger: The making of. In Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Extending Boundaries, NordiCHI '10, pages 691-694, New York, NY, USA, 2010. ACM. [pdf]

A. Kallergi and F. J. Verbeek. Video games for collection exploration: Games for and out of data repositories. In Proceedings of the 14th International Academic MindTrek Conference: Envisioning Future Media Environments, MindTrek '10, pages 143-146, New York, NY, USA, 2010. ACM. [pdf]

J. Slob, A. Kallergi, J. Dmitrieva, and F. J. Verbeek. Towards metadata patterns in image databases. In Supplementary Proceedings of Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics (PRIB 2010), 2010. [www]

A. Kallergi and F. J. Verbeek. Onto-Frogger: Playing with semantic structure. In M. S. Marshall, A. Burger, P. Romano, A. Paschke, and A. Splendiani, editors, Proceedings Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences (SWAT4LS), volume 559 of CEUR-Workshop Proceedings, 2009. [www]

A. Kallergi, Y. Bei, and F. J. Verbeek. The ontology viewer: Facilitating image annotation with ontology terms in the CSIDx imaging database. In Workshop on Visual Interfaces to the Social and the Semantic Web (VISSW2009), 2009. [www]

J. Slob, A. Kallergi, and F. J. Verbeek. Observations on semantic annotation of microscope images for life sciences. In M. S. Marshall, A. Burger, P. Romano, A. Paschke, and A. Splendiani, editors, Proceedings Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences (SWAT4LS), volume 559 of CEUR-Workshop Proceedings, 2009. [www]


A. Kallergi. Bioart on display: Challenges and opportunities of exhibiting bioart, 2008. [pdf]

A. Kallergi and M. Lamers. Word-of-Mouth: A technologically mediated agent provocateur. In Proceedings of the Nordic Digital Excellence in Museums Conference (NODEM 08), 2008. [pdf]